The Sound of Hope

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URGENT NEED :: Asha Mission Land Project

By Ericka Jackson | April 18, 2012

Friends, we have an urgent need for the kids at Asha Mission Children’s Home in India. Please watch the video below before you move on…

URGENT NEED :: Asha Land Project from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo.

In case you couldn’t watch the video – allow me to explain this need here. The children at Asha Mission need a new (bigger and better) home. There are several reasons why. The first is a simple lack of space. There are 33 kids sleeping in 2 tiny rooms – rooms that are the same size (or smaller) than some of our walk-in closets in America. There is only space for 12 beds total (6 in each room), which means over half of the children are sleeping on the cold, cement floor.

Another issue with the lack of space is privacy. As the kids get older, they need enough room for the boys and girls to have some separation. It is not appropriate (in any culture, but especially in India) to have the boys and girls living so close together.

In addition to the lack of privacy, there is a lack of space to play! There is no yard at all for the children to play in – the front door opens out into a narrow, crowded street with open sewers on each side. The only open space in this house is the roof (which is not safe to play on) and the main room – which can’t be bigger than about 40 by 20 feet. The children barely all fit in the room sitting down for storytime. It is definitely no place for them to get exercise! There really is no where for them to enjoy being kids.

But the biggest cause for concern is that this small home is only a rental property. It is not a permanent home for these children. If the landlord decides on a whim that he wants them out, then these kids could be back on the street. We’ve seen it happen before. You see, in India orphans are considered to be some of the lowest people.  They are unwanted children. Some of them are the product of rape or prostitution. Many are born into extreme poverty. They are abandoned at hospitals, put out on the street to beg, sold as slaves, or left to die on the roadside. They are outcasts – forgotten by society.

But there’s more. According to our Indian Partners, the government has been talking about passing a new law in India. This law would require every orphanage to own the land and building it is operating in. If they do not comply immediately – they could have their children taken away, separated from the only family they have ever known, and thrown into a government orphanage with horrible living conditions. This law has been under discussion for several years, and our partners are fearful that it could go into effect at any moment.

For all these reasons, it is IMPERATIVE that these children get a bigger, better, permanent home. A home that will last. A home that will be around to rescue children for generations! But before a bigger home can be built we need land. That’s where YOU come in!

India is an overpopulated country and land is very expensive there. Our partners have put down a deposit on a piece of land, but in order to purchase it we need to pay the full amount by May 20th – and we are $150,000 short. The GREAT news is – we have a $75,000 matching gift – but it will not be released until another $75,000 is raised.

We need your help! If we do not get the $75,000 raised by May 20th then we lose the land, the kids lose a chance at a new home, and our partners lose thousands of dollars they put down for the deposit. This is a ONE SHOT DEAL. We get one chance to change the lives of these precious little girls and boys – and to save the lives of many others who have yet to be rescued. 


So we’re asking you today – right now – WHAT WILL YOU DO TO SAVE THEIR LIVES? How much will you sacrifice to give them a future? What will you do to protect their innocence?

Will you give away 5% of your savings – your security – to invest in their future? How about 10%? What about 50%? As you save for the future of your family, can you consider these children who have no one saving for them?

If you don’t have money to give, then what will you DO? Will you host a benefit show? A bake sale? A garage sale? Will you sell your bike? Your 4-wheeler? Your boat? Your car?

How much is the life of one child worth? What about the lives of 33 children?


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Comments (1)


    The Christian club at the middle school where I work will be sponsoring a special day to raise money for this project. I hope we can raise a good bit of money.

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