The Sound of Hope

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The Expression Conference

By Ericka Jackson | January 17, 2011

On November 13th we were given a wonderful opportunity to partner with The Expression at their first annual Women’s Conference in Port Huron, Michigan.

The Expression founder, Julie Guitierrez, chose The Sound of Hope as the official charity of The Expression Conference, and invited us to speak and sell merchandise during the weekend conference! We had an amazing time sharing about The Sound of Hope with the women there, and explaining ways that they could be a part of giving HOPE to children in need around the world.

The whole idea behind The Expression is to teach women that they were made for a PURPOSE, and that when they find their Expression – what they are passionate about, what they are gifted in, what makes them come alive – then they can LIVE TRUE to themselves and use their expression to bring HOPE and LIFE to others.

Of course, we at The Sound of Hope believe the same thing! We believe that everyone has value, and everyone has something to offer the world. We want to empower people to use their gifts, passions, and creativity to give HOPE to orphans and vulnerable children. Sharing that vision with this group of women was so exciting!!! I’m THRILLED to report that over the weekend, we raised over $1,000 for The Sound of Hope!

We want to thank Julie Guitierezz for choosing to partner with us and giving us such a great opportunity. We also want to thank each and every woman who so generously gave donations for the children. Your money will make a huge difference in these kid’s lives!

For some highlights of the conference, check out the video below!


Expression Conference from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo.


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