The Sound of Hope

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Christmas in Swaziland

By Ericka Jackson | January 25, 2012

It’s been a few weeks since our last post, and we have been busy closing our books on 2011 and looking ahead to 2012 – a year that is sure to be full of HOPE and OPPORTUNITY for our sweet kids around the world. Before we completely move ahead though, I wanted to update you all on some of the projects you made possible through your generosity last year.

We’ll start with Christmas in Swaziland! In late October, we shared the sad fact that most of the children in Swaziland do not have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas. Swaziland is one of the most impoverished countries in the world, and it has been ravaged by AIDS. Over 10% of the population is orphans, and even those with family usually do not have money for Christmas presents or even a special meal on Christmas Day. The children we serve lead difficult lives, and we knew they deserved a day to celebrate!

Lucky for them, you agreed! The donations began pouring in and within a few days we had almost DOUBLED the goal amount we’d set for the Anchor Center Christmas Party! Thanks to many of you, the $1,294 given provided a very special event for some very deserving kids!

Two of our partners – Jen & Eric, sent us a description of the day. You will be amazed when you read how much your money provided!

The children at the Anchor Center were blessed with a Christmas party! Our ministry partners (the six Swazi young people that we partner with) helped to plan and organize a very fun and festive day for the kids! There was singing and dancing (see the photo above). A couple of exciting games, including a dress up relay and “donut on a string” where three kids raced to see who could devour a delicious donut dangling from a string the fastest…without using their hands!

The Christmas story was told through a narration and a skit, acted out by our ministry partners and a visiting team. A special meal was served of: stewed beef and chicken, vegetables, potato salad and rice. It was topped off with some sweets and a refreshing ice lolly (Swazi popsicle). Over 200 community members from the surrounding area enjoyed this delicious Christmas dinner!

The children were given a gift of hygiene kits which included a face cloth, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, silly band bracelets, school supplies and a tub of petroleum jelly. 150 kids at the Anchor Center were given gifts! 

The bomake and gogos (women who are the cooks and caregivers at the care point) were also blessed with a hygiene kit and a blanket. They also enjoyed being served their meal, rather than having to be the ones always serving others! We appreciate these beautiful women so much for their faithfulness and dedication to the children of their community.

I can assure you, everyone who was a part of this Christmas Celebration will remember it for years to come. After seeing these pictures, I hope you understand how much JOY you brought to this community in Swaziland! Thank you for making this day possible for the kids!


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