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By Ericka Jackson
Apr 03
Our last day at the carepoint in Nsoko, we decided to bring some apples for the kids who came to eat. I approached some older kids to ask if they would help me “round up” the little ones (as I assumed it would take some time to get them all in a line at the […] Read more...
By Ericka Jackson | March 21
We’re at our carepoint in Swaziland right now, and our partners just shared their most pressing need with us. They have run out of storage space in the buildings here, and are looking for a 40 foot metal storage container (the kind you would see on the back of an 18 wheeler). The picture below […] Read more...
By Ericka Jackson
Mar 20
Those of you who follow The Sound of Hope may have heard about this project we started a few weeks ago. We’ve been asking for donated books and funds to start a Children’s Library in each of our homes in India and Thailand, as well as our carepoint here in Swaziland! Books are so expensive […] Read more...
By Ericka Jackson | March 17
After 3 long days of travel time, we’ve finally arrived in the beautiful Kingdom of Swaziland! Check out our first video update here… Welcome to Swaziland from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo. As long as the internet cooperates, we’ll be sharing more videos and pictures in the next few weeks. So be sure to […] Read more...
By Ericka Jackson
Feb 22
We are thrilled to announce our newest project for our Children’s Homes in Swaziland, Thailand, and India. We have decided to create a Children’s Library in each home we are partnered with, and we want YOU to be a part of it! It all started last Fall, when we took a Storybook to each of […] Read more...
By Ericka Jackson | January 25
It's been a few weeks since our last post, and we have been busy closing our books on 2011 and looking ahead to 2012 - a year that is sure to be full of HOPE and OPPORTUNITY for our sweet kids around the world. Before we completely move ahead though, I wanted to update you all on some of the projects you made possible through your generosity last year.
We'll start with Christmas in Swaziland! In late October, we shared the sad fact that most of the children in Swaziland do not have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas. Swaziland is one of the most impoverished countries in the world, and it has been ravaged by AIDS. Over 10% of the population is orphans, and even those with family usually do not have money for Christmas presents or even a special meal on Christmas Day. The children we serve lead difficult lives, and we knew they deserved a day to celebrate!
Lucky for them, you agreed! The donations began pouring in and within a few days we had almost DOUBLED the goal amount we'd set for the Anchor Center Christmas Party! Thanks to many of you, the $1,294 given provided a very special event for some very deserving kids!

Two of our partners - Jen & Eric, sent us a description of the day. You will be amazed when you read how much your money provided!
By Ericka Jackson | October 29
If you're familiar with our work at all, then you know that we're about more than just providing the basic needs for orphans and vulnerable children overseas. All our partnerships - in Thailand, India, and Africa - provide more than just "the basics". We are passionate about EMPOWERMENT, so finding partnerships that provide holistic care and are working towards sustainability is extremely important to us. We want to encourage self-sustainability, not create a dependence on foreign funds.
That's why we we're so excited about the latest project we helped start in Swaziland!
By Ericka Jackson | October 25
The vast majority of the precious children in Swaziland will not celebrate Christmas this year. 95% of them will not get a gift at all, or even eat a special meal on Christmas Day. When I think of how lavish our Christmas celebrations are in America, I'm appalled at the difference. Most families spend hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on gifts for their children, decorations for their home, and every kind of delicious treat you can imagine! Yet these precious children in Swaziland will go without.... unless we do something about it!
Our partners in Swazi are planning 30 different Christmas parties at the 30 carepoints they serve. The children who come to these carepoints are orphans or vulnerable children whose lives are deeply affected by poverty and HIV/AIDS. They face hardship, death, and disease on a regular basis, but at these Christmas parties, they are free to just be a kid! The parties will be a time of celebration, games, and songs for the children to participate in. Each child will eat a good meal, with some chips, fruit, and donuts as an added treat. They will also each receive a special gift, and the school age children will receive a backpack too! As you can see from their smiles below, this is the highlight of their year!

But this won't happen without your help!
By Ericka Jackson | August 29
We were recently invited over to the Gearhart's house for dinner and "a surprise". I'm pretty sure the surprise was supposed to come later in the night, but two bites into our burgers 3 year old Saige asked aloud, "Can we give them the money for the kids Daddy?" - and the cat was out of the bag! A few moments later all three little Gearhart girls, Zoe (7), Haven (5), and Saige (3) were presenting me with a clear jar full of money.
By Ericka Jackson | March 07
“When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute!” Have you ever heard a little girl say that? No?! Funny….. me neither. I keep reading and re-reading this blog about that very topic. And this paragraph just wrecks me over and over and over…. “Once upon a time – back before someone broke you […] Read more...
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