The Sound of Hope

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Help us feed our kids in Africa!

By Ericka | October 02, 2015

At our carepoint in Swaziland, Africa more than 100 orphans and vulnerable children get a healthy, hot meal every day. They typically eat rice, as well as beans, and fresh vegetables when they are available. These meals are vital to the survival of many of these children, and we want to make sure they are never interrupted.

Swazi Food Container from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo.

Our partners need more rice to feed these kids. There is a shipping container waiting in the US filled with enough rice – fortified with vitamins and minerals – to provide 100,000 meals. But we need your help to ship it by boat to Swaziland. We need $13,500 to ship this container. That may sound like a lot, but it averages out to only 13 cents a meal. That means that for just $50 – you could feed a child in need for an ENTIRE YEAR!

$50 will provide 365 meals of fortified rice for a child at the carepoint. For the same amount that you could feed a family of 4 ONE dinner out in America – you could feed a hungry child in Africa for a year. So what are you waiting for? Donate today, and help us make sure these precious kids never go hungry.

Donate Now

***We have a matching gift for the first $1000 – so if you donate NOW, your money could be doubled! ***

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