The Sound of Hope

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Happy 14th Birthday to us!

By Ericka | May 20, 2024

Today we celebrate the 14th birthday of The Sound of Hope! 14 official years of giving hope and holistic care to children around the world – thanks to the generosity and support of our amazing donors!

This year we have continued to focus on the 2 homes that need our support the most – Asha House in India, and Baan Choo Jai (the Girls Home we helped start in Thailand – which we are the sole supporters of.)

In India we have watched with JOY as our kids continue to learn, grow, and pursue their dreams! We initially met darling Jyoti as a 2 year old, with some very scary health issues and the odds stacked against her. Despite claims that she would “never go to school” and always struggle – we invested in her care. She is now happy, healthy, and thriving! This year she finished high school and has applied to 7 different colleges! We are SO proud as we watch her pursue her dream of being a chemistry teacher!

Above: One of the first photos I ever took of Jyoti, in 2008.

(2008 was the first year we started working to support kids in India – which was more than 2 years before The Sound of Hope was officially incorporated!)

Below: Jyoti now – all grown up and thriving!

In Thailand, we continue to provide school fees for the 4 school aged girls at Baan Choo Jai, while getting updates about WaNeeDah & NetNaRee – who are working as nurses in the city. To watch them go from overwhelmed little girls coming into a new home in 2013 – to graduating high school, graduating nursing school, and finally being employed young women with careers, has been such an exciting process!

Above: NetNaRee in 2013

Below: All grown up and employed as a nurse in 2023!

Transformation. That’s what we’ve seen over the past 14 years… the transformation from hungry to well fed, from sick to healthy, from alone to beloved, from desperate to thriving – from hopeless to FULL OF HOPE!

Above: WaNeeDah in 2013

Below: All grown up and employed as a nurse in 2023!

These are just a few of the incredible success stories we’re able to share from this year – but there are oh, so many more. We count each life touched and changed a “success story” – and over the past 14 years so many lives have been changed!

Hundreds of kids have gotten access to healthy food – including more than 37 families who were impacted by the community garden we helped start in Swaziland. 3 little libraries were started for kids who’d had no previous access to books. 5 different Children’s Homes have been supported in 3 countries – providing safe, loving, family care for vulnerable boys and girls. Dozens of kids have had medical care provided that would have otherwise been inaccessible. Thousands upon thousands of dollars of school fees have been paid for kids – from preschool to university – and the opportunity to get an education has been life-changing for those students. And this year, we surpassed 1.5 MILLION DOLLARS RAISED!

We’ll continue to provide HOPE and holistic care for as long as we are able – and it’s YOU who makes us able. We cannot thank you enough – each and every one of our donors – for helping us continue this life-changing, life-saving work year after year. We’re so grateful – and we hope you’ll celebrate this milestone with us today!

So grab yourself a piece of cake and click the link below to give a birthday gift today! Yours will be a gift that keeps giving HOPE to kids around the world – and we can’t think of anything happier than that. 🙂

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