A current need in Swaziland
We’re at our carepoint in Swaziland right now, and our partners just shared their most pressing need with us. They have run out of storage space in the buildings here, and are looking for a 40 foot metal storage container (the kind you would see on the back of an 18 wheeler). The picture below is of a 20 foot container already in use. The container they would get is twice that size.
The container is needed to store additional food and supplies for the children, as well as gardening tools for the Community Garden we are starting at The Center. This garden will be a source of provision, income and empowerment for up to 18 families in the area, as well as a way for the children at the carepoint to get healthy vegetables in their diet. But it won’t work without a safe place to store the gardening tools and supplies!
We need $1,600 total to purchase the container and have it shipped down to Nsoko. We have a matching gift of $800, so every dollar you donate will be doubled if you give to this project!
Please GIVE NOW and help us meet this need!